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Naltrexone-LDN AND ULDN

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and Ultra Low Dose Naltrexone (ULDN) is quickly becoming a popular treatment for a wide variety of chronic pain conditions, including Arachnoiditis, fibromyalgia, and more. It also treats autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto's, Addisons, etc. To see the full list, click here (page will open in new window). Naltrexone is commonly prescribed as an addiction medication used to treat opioid addiction, but at much lower doses it has been found to be an analgesia and anti-inflammatory. Many Arachnoiditis patients have good luck with LDN and ULDN.

Introduction to Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and Ultra Low Dose Naltrexone (ULDN)


Understanding LDN:


  • LDN introduces a novel paradigm in treatment. It enhances the immune system by increasing endorphins and metenkephalin (opioid growth factor) production, leading to immune system modulation.

  • Dr. David Gluck, MD, describes LDN as a unique method of strengthening and balancing the immune system.

  • Dr. Tom Gilhooy explains that LDN's left-handed element increases endorphin production, while the right-handed element reduces inflammation by inhibiting cytokine production.

  • LDN employs a "blocking period" where endorphin activity is temporarily inhibited, triggering an immune response that increases endorphin receptors and levels, supporting immune function and pain reduction.

  • Additionally, LDN's anti-inflammatory impact can manifest within 30 minutes of dosing, providing relief from pain and mood-related symptoms.


Additional Resources:



Benefits of LDN:


  • LDN offers multiple advantages, including immune system modulation, pain relief, and anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Positive outcomes have been reported for various conditions.


Personalizing LDN Dosage:


  • Begin with a low dose (e.g., 0.5mg) and gradually increase to find the optimal dosage.

  • Consider dextrose, sucrose, or ginger as capsule fillers to minimize potential side effects.

  • Liquid LDN versions may offer easier dosage adjustments; choose formulations with minimal ingredients.


Educational Videos and Resources:



Patient Testimonials and Clinical Trials:



LDN Documentaries and Expert Insights:

- Access documentaries and expert interviews: LDN Documentaries | LDN for Allergies and Autoimmune Disease

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